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the wheel

monthly community call

10 British pounds

Service Description

monthly community call at the start of each astrological season. it's giving mystical sleepover energy with your girlfriends! each call i'll talk you through the archetype of the month, think: a breakdown of each sign, virgo, libra, etc! over the course of 12 months together, you will build your own Wheel; a cyclical monthly journal practice using the wisdom of your own unique birth chart, setting intentions for each month based upon the house of your chart being highlighted. Working in this way helps you to set goals, see how far you've come and work in accordance with your own natural cycles. Each call will end with some hot-seat community coaching time; where you can ask me your burning astrological questions for the month ahead. i've created this space to connect with the beautiful community i've built over the past few years running my business, i'm at a stage where i get a lot of DMS and emails asking questions about astrological seasons/ advice/ community. So i felt it was a good time to make a space to connect with you each month, as we all roll through the wheel of the year; season by season. community is the new currency after-all! and i'm so happy to have you here. so much love, Lucy Porter xo

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